One of our very most favorite things to do in the summer is a marathon beach day! Packing the car up with every single thing we need to spend hours outside running in the sand and playing in the water, snacking and laughing and (if I'm extra lucky, napping!) and everyone comes home tired and so happy. It's the absolute BEST!
![walmart ozark trail](
We've definitely learned a trick or two over the past few summers about spending longer chunks of time on the beach! Setting up camp with just a few essentials to keep everyone comfortable, give a little shade from the sun, and plenty of snacks and cold drinks to go around are the keys to making sure the whole crew is happy all day long!
Walmart Ozark Trail is a brand we've come to love lately. They have really highly rated outdoor gear at incredible prices that seriously blow my mind every single time. We got a couple things for our beach day setup and I was so impressed with both the quality and price points for these items that have the potential to be SO super expensive!
This is our setup for a marathon beach day! I start with a popup tent because it's SO important to have the option of shade, especially when you have a napping baby in the fam.
This is where the older kids come to hang out, have a snack, and recharge before heading back out for more fun and play. I bring a travel crib to put under the sun shade, since our baby sis Millie always needs an afternoon nap and the sound of the ocean just sings her right to sleep! This pop-up sun shade also provides plenty of privacy if you're nursing or just a nice shady spot to give a bottle.
Millie wasn't with us for this shoot because that day she came down with a double ear infection (poor baby!!!) but it was nice to get all set up and know that the next long beach day we pack everyone up and head to the waves, we'll be totally ready to go and keep her shaded and happy.
I've been looking for a big cooler that could handle all of our cold stuff for a full day away from the fridge. The ones I looked at were SO SO ultra-expensive, but I was honestly considering just doing it because I'm paranoid about keeping things cold! I don't want anyone to get sick because their food spoiled in the sun.
Then I saw that this 52 qt. cooler was just over $100 with almost all 5-star rave reviews! It has plenty of space for not just drinks but cut up fruit and lunch supplies to keep everyone fed and happy all day! Such a relief to have space for everything we need and peace of mind that's all going to stay cold even in the hot sun.
I honestly give this cooler a 10/10! It's not too heavy to begin with, but it somehow keeps everything crazy cool for hours and hours! And I LOVE the little basket at the top!
To keep the adults comfortable, I love bringing folding camp chairs along. These ones from Walmart Ozark Trail are SO lightweight with a higher padded back, drink holders on both sides, and great reviews. They're also wide enough to share with a tiny human if you have a couple of those hanging around like we usually do 😉
I'm so excited to have our marathon beach day setup totally ready to go. Finding everything from Walmart Ozark Trail made it a budget friendly breeze to get everything I needed for the whole family to make the most of our days in the sand and waves!!
Camp Chairs
Sun Shelter
Photos by Arielle Levy
See my picks below from Walmart Ozark Trail that will be perfect for all of your summer beach adventures!