It's just about THAT time of year again. The time when sleeping in, no schedule, sticky popsicle sticks and our cars full of sand are the norm. It's ALSO that time when my kids have magically outgrown ALL THEIR CLOTHES! All of 'em. None of last year's swimsuits fit. None of the shorts or tees either. And certainly none of the summer shoes! And let's be honest, anything that still fits from the beginning of the school year is looking terribly worn out. And since our big girls wear uniforms at school every day, they definitely need play clothes to get them through the summer.

Metallic Bow Sandals sold out, similar
White Slides sold out, similar
Floral Mini Backpack sold out, similar
Tie-Dye Backpack sold out, similar
Rose Gold High Top Shoes sold out, similar
Chambray Bow Sandals sold out, similar
Photos by Arielle Levy
Stock up for LESS
Stocking up on clothes for multiple kiddos for an entire season always feels super intimidating, overwhelming, and EXPENSIVE. I didn't want to spend a ton of money since they play hard and grow fast, but of course I also want options that are cute and that they would enjoy wearing. We looked through a TON of options all over the Internet and are sharing some of our faves at the bottom of this post!
Leopard Dress
Boots sold out, similar – 20% off!
Photos by Arielle Levy
Where to buy inexpensive kids clothes
Here are some of my favorite places to browse when looking for inexpensive kids clothes for my kiddos!
Girls dresses sold out, similar
Coke Joggers sold out, similar
Coke Sweatshirt sold out, similar
T-Shirt sold out, similar
Leggings sold out, similar
Photos by Arielle Levy
Fit for growing littles
As I was searching, I tried to choose items that had great reviews and ratings, and stuff that I thought looked like my girls. Everything we picked is cute, colorful, and seems like it will last a long time. Perfect for my littles who are rough on clothes and grow like weeds!!
New shoes = a must
I don't know about you, but I swear my girls grow out of their shoes every week! Kids go through shoes so so SO ridiculously fast, so getting cute shoes at a great price is a major score for me.
Even though it's almost summertime, Lyla and Ani will still use backpacks all throughout the summer! They were super excited to pick out new ones and I was super excited about the price. They'll pack them for summer trips, with snacks for a morning at the park, or bring them to the library to carry their books home.
Metallic Bow Sandals sold out, similar
White Slides sold out, similar
Floral Mini Backpack sold out, similar
Tie-Dye Backpack sold out, similar
Rose Gold High Top Shoes sold out, similar
Chambray Bow Sandals sold out, similar
Photos by Arielle Levy
Summertime ready
Most items pictured are from a couple years ago and are sold out, but we've linked similar options you can grab for this summer's wardrobe! Plus, we're sharing a few other things below that we think are super cute for kids this summer.
This post was updated April 2021. Originally posted 2019.